
Bursty Backlogs

How many times do we hear ‘When will this feature get built?’ ?

Learning Tools 2022

Updating the list of my favourite tools for learning, and noting what has changed since 2019.

Revisiting ‘The Power of Context’

Has anything really changed for networked learning?

Digging out Diigo notes

Digging out Diigo notes

Digger is a command-line tool to extract annotations from web-based services into local Markdown notes

'Renewal' revisited

‘Renewal’ revisited

Looking back 20 years to some ideas from Tom Peters.

Reply to Ton Zijlstra ‘Julian’s Nudge To Explore API’

Ton expresses his concerns about annotations in any online tool (the example is being potentially risky, if nothing else as a consumer of learning time that isn’t well integrated with his other notes: The type of interaction and annotation I have/do with a source text I normally do locally. Unless it can be a PESOS (Post Elsewhere Syndicate to Own Site) flow, exchanging that current value of processing things locally for merely the potential for interaction and conversation is likely a bad trade-off for my learning.

Reply to Ton Zijlstra ‘Clipping Articles From Feed Reader To Obsidian’

I look at what a ‘web colleague’ has done, and think about how I might solve a similar problem.

No Cameras Please

No Cameras Please

Why you shouldn’t worry if your colleagues don’t switch on their cameras in virtual meetings

Streaming Creates Media Jobs

“Streaming demand for UK shows will create 30,000 film and TV jobs” says the Guardian, as demand from the global streaming giants for UK-made programmes goes unmet.

British exceptionalism, again

World-leading case rates per-capita again