
Reply to Lesson feedback: don’t send it, don’t give it – co-construct it. Otherwise, it won’t be worth it. - Forget the (slightly strange) world of how schools are managed — this quote is of general applicability in pretty much any organisation: Increasingly I’m convinced that observers have to view the idea of feedback as something that has to be co-constructed to have any value at all. The only feedback that matters has [to] lead to concrete actions a [person] actually takes. A [person] can’t merely receive feedback; they have to generate it themselves, taking account of the observer’s offerings #
Leaders or followers?
With the merest hint of irony Andrew Jacobs suggests that what many organisations really want are not better leaders, but better followers: Developing trust with insincere people Learning to believe anything/everything someone says Being inspired by uninspirational people Being passionate in an uncommitted environment Understanding mixed messages Working with indecisive people Taking blame with confidence Appreciating the learning points of the excessive workload Giving up ideas for the credit of others Working without praise Being manipulated with appreciation The recent years of UK politics would suggest that there are many faces we see on our screens every day who want the same :-) #